For constructive solution, innovation and impact

Lawyer – finding solutions, resolving disputes

You are finding yourself in a somewhat larger, commercial dispute? You recognize the added value of a neutral third party?

As a lawyer, I have helped my clients for about 25 years to pursue their interests and objectives. As executor, I implement the last will. As mediator, I am assisting the stakeholders in finding constructive solutions. As arbitrator, I shape the proceedings efficiently and rule fairly. See also Duve Law.

Professional Experience

Since 2019     Partner and lawyer with V29-Legal, Frankfurt am Main

2018-2019     Legal practice, Duve Law, Frankfurt am Main

2002–2018    Partner with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Frankfurt am Main

2007–2014    Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne

2013-2021        Member of the Board of the German Bar Association (DAV), Berlin

1998–2002    Associate with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP (and its predecessors), Frankfurt am Main

Selected mandates

Arbitrator, Mediator and Facilitator in numerous commercial disputes (for example relating to shareholder disputes, supply contracts, research and development) and sports cases (for example, regarding match fixing, doping or agreements between different leagues).

Administrator of a large estate and director of companies.

Strategic advice regarding pending arbitration and litigation proceedings, including second opinions on contentious questions.

Representation and advice in resolving financial disputes.

Representation of clients in international disputes after merger and acquisitions disputes in front of arbitral tribunals or state courts in different jurisdictions.

Leading or participating in internal investigations re. the suspicion of embezzlement, fraud, collusion, manipulation, including the leadership of independent investigation on behalf of the German Soccer Association (DFB) re. alleged irregularities re. the tender and financing of the World Cup 2006.

Business Angel – supporting entrepreneurial initiative

We find ourselves in a time of transformation. Advancements in technology and science  as well as the challenges of climate change will fundamentally change the world. As business angel, I am engaged for companies, using AI, automation or blockchain. I am particularly interested in companies which contribute to the public good by finding solutions to ecological or social challenges. See also Duve Innovation Ventures.

Professor – Learning and Teaching for Life

As honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg,, I have decided a couple of years ago to focus on topics that will benefit life. Therefore, I offer each summer a personal development workshop and each winter a financial literacy workshop.

Current Seminars and Workshops at Heidelberg University

6th Heidelberg Financial Education Workshop (WiSe 2021/22)

This workshop will explore what is necessary or adequate to building a fortune. A focus is on the question whether Blockchain and crypto-currencies may be helpful in this respect. We will also discuss whether they could be sustainable.

The workshop will take place virtually this year.


Previous Seminars and Workshops

5th Heidelberg Personal Development Workshop (summer term 2021)

Conduct of Arbitration Proceedings (as part of a series of lectures on arbitration) (summer term 2019)



Mediation in der Wirtschaft, 3rd Edition, Frankfurt am Main 2019 (Mediation in Business)(co-published with Eidenmüller/Fries/Hacke).

Mediation und Vergleich im Prozess(Mediation and Settlement in Litigationp), Cologne 1999.



Muss die deutsche Justiz die Rechtsprechung des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts korrigieren? (Does the German judiciary need to correct the jurisprudence of the Swiss Federal Court of Justice?), Sonderdruck Mai 2017 aus Bitburger Gespräche Jahrbuch 2016.

Wege zur effizienten Verfahrensgestaltungen im Zivilprozess (Ways towards an efficient process management in civil litigation); Deutsches Anwaltsblatt 3/2017, 240 (gemeinsam mit Nicholas Schoch)

Der Fall Pechstein: BGH stützt Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Reformbedarf bleibt (The Pechstein case: Federal Court of Justice supports sport arbitration, the need for Reform remains) Betriebs-Berater 26/2016, I, Editorial

Lösen international Gerichte die international Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ab? (Will international courts supersede international arbitration?), ZVgIRWiss, Band 114, 387, 2015 ((co-published with Karl Ömer Rösch).

Ist das deutsche Kartellrecht besser als alle Olympiasiege? (Is German competition law better than all Olympic gold medals?), SchiedsVZ 2015, 69 (co-published with Karl Ömer Rösch)

Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Siegfried Elsing (Festschrift commemorating 65 years of Siegfried Elsing), Verlag und Recht, November 2015.

Der Fall Pechstein: Kein Startschuss für eine Neugestaltung der Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit (The Pechstein case: Restructuring of Sports Arbitration is denied the all-clear), SchiedsVZ 2014, 216 (co-published with Herrn Karl Ömer Rösch).

Retten Schiedsrichter den Euro oder Ihre Einlagen? (Do arbitrators save the Euro or your funds?), Betriebs-Berater 2014, 2755 (co-published with Philip Wimalasena).

Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Transparenz im transatlantischen Freihandel (Arbitration and transparency within transatlantic free trade), AnwBl 2014, 511 (co-published with Philip Wimalasena).

Privatisierung der Justiz – und was machen Sie? (Privatisation of justice – what about you?), Anwaltsblatt 3.2014, 252 Kommentar zu ADR/ODR (co-published with Michael Grupp).

Der Denkmalpfleger des Rechts hat keine Zukunft (A conservationist in law has no future), Anwaltsblatt 2013, 520.

Das Gesetz zur Rettung der gerichtlichen Mediation (The law that will save judicial mediation), Geleitwort, ZMK, 4/2012, S. 109.

Der Kampf ums Recht im Jahr 2030 (The struggle for rights in 2030), Anwaltsblatt 2012, 2(co-published with Maximilian Sattler).

Der Rechtsanwalt als Mediator (Lawyers as mediators), Betriebsberater, 2011, S. VII.

Die neuen UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules – höhere Effizienz, niedrigere Kosten, (The new UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules – greater efficiency, lower costs?), Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, 2011, 1

Schiedsvereinbarungen in Verbraucherverträgen in: Genzow/Grunewald/Schulte-Nölke (Arbitration proceedings in consumer contracts in: Genzow/Grunewald/Schulte-Nölke), Zwischen Vertragsfreiheit und Verbraucherschutz, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, Köln 2010 (co-published with Maximilian Sattler).

Erfolgshonorare in Deutschland – Rechtsstreite in England und Deutschland (Success-Fees in Germany – Litigation in England and Germany), Band 19 Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Int. Verfahrensrecht e.V., edited by Peter Gottwald, GieseKing, 2010.

Schiedsfähigkeit von GmbH-Beschlussmängelstreitigkeiten – Schiedsfähigkeit II (Arbitrability of proceedings regarding the determination of the validity of a shareholder resolution – Arbitrability II), Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, 25.06.2009, 1962 ff., (co-published with Moritz Keller).

Mediation – Der fehlende Glaube an die Eigenverantwortung (Mediation: The missing belief in personal responsibility), Anwaltsblatt 8 + 9/2008, 605.

Vermeidung und Beilegung von Gesellschafterstreitigkeiten (Avoiding and settling shareholder disputes), Anwaltsblatt 6/2007, 389-395.

Editorial: Unterstützung des DAV für das Europäische Vertragsrecht (Editorial Support of the German Bar Association for the Eurpean contract law), ZGS 4/2007, 121.

MiFID: Die neue Welt des Wertpapiergeschäfts – Transparenz und Marktintegrität für einen europäischen Kapitalmarkt (MiFID: The new world of the securities business – Transparency and market integrity for a European capital market), Betriebs-Berater 2006, 2537-2542 (co-published with Keller).

MiFID: Die neue Welt des Wertpapiergeschäfts – Glauben Sie nicht, Sie könnten ohne weiteres Wertpapiere kaufen (MiFID: The new world of the securities business – Don’t believe you could simply purchase securities), Betriebs-Berater 2006, 2477-2484 (co-published with Keller).

MiFID: Die neue Welt des Wertpapiergeschäfts – Kundenklassifikation und –information (MiFID: The new world of the securities business – Classification and information of clients), Betriebs-Berater 2006, 2425-2432 (co-published with Keller).

Das UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation – ein Erfolgsmodell? (The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation – a model of success?)in: Hengstl/Sick (editors), Recht gestern und heute – Mediation und ihre historischen Vorbilder (The Law yesterday and today – Mediation and its historical archetypes), Wiesbaden 2006.

Ungeahnte Unterstützung für Aktive Aktionäre – Wie das UMAG Finanzinvestoren hilft (Unexpected assistance for Active Shareholders – How the UMAG helps financial investors), Betriebs-Berater 2006, 1345-1350 (co-published with Basak).

Der Anwalt als Gestalter der Streitbeilegung (The lawyer as conflict resolution architect), Anwaltsblatt 2006, 99.

Welche Zukunft hat die Organaußenhaftung für Kapitalmarktinformationen?(What external liability will board members face for wrongful information of capital markets?), Betriebs-Berater 2005, 2645 (co-published with Basak).

Privatisierung der Justiz – bleibt die Rechtsfortbildung auf der Strecke? (Privatisation of Justice – is this the end of norm creation?), SchiedsVZ, 2005, 169-178 (co-published with Keller).

Aufgabe für Schiedsrichter am grünen Tisch (A task for the arbitrator at the Green Table), Anwaltsblatt, 2005, 350.

Braucht der Kapitalmarkt ein neues Gesetz für Massenverfahren? (Does the capital market need a new law for mass proceedings?), Betriebs-Berater 2005, 673 (co-published with Pfitzner).

Schiedsverfahren, Mediation und Alternative Streitbeilegung in Deutschland (Arbitration, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Germany), in: Better Solutions for Business: Commercial Mediation in the EU, CPR Institute European Committee, 2004, Appendix C.

Hat die Gerechtigkeit gesiegt? (Did justice prevail?), Anwaltsblatt 2004, 687.

Mediation und Vertraulichkeit – Der Vorentwurf einer europäischen Mediationsrichtlinie – (Mediation and Confidentiality – preliminary draft of a European Mediation Directive), IDR 2004, 126.

Brauchen wir ein Recht der Mediation? (Do we need a law of mediation?), Anwaltsblatt 2004, 1.

Wirtschaftsmediation – Einwände und Argumente (Business Mediation – Objections and Arguments), ANWALT, 1-2/2003 supplement to NJW 2003 (Heft 6).

Das Grünbuch über alternative Verfahren zur Streitbeilegung, International Journal of Dispute Resolution (Greenpaper on Alternative Dispute Resolution proceedings), Betriebs-Berater supplement 7 to issue 46/2002.

Uncitral Arbitration Rules, in: Weigand (editor), (Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration)Munich 2002, 315 (together with Trittmann).

Nicht-anwaltliche Mediation – Rechtsberatung oder Wirtschaftstätigkeit? (Non-Lawyer Mediation – Legal Advice or Business Activity?), Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 2001, 284 (together with Tochtermann).

BB-Kommentar zu: Leistet der Mediator den Medianten Beistand bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Rechte, verstößt er gegen das RBerG (BB commentary on: If the mediator assists the parties in realising their rights, he violates the Act regarding the Delivery of Legal Advice(RBerG), Betriebs-Berater, 37/2001, 1871.

Rechtsberatung durch Mediatoren im Spiegel der Rechtsprechung (Legal Advice by Mediators as Reflected by the Case Law), Betriebs-Berater, 2001, 692.

Chance für Mediation? ZPO-Reform wird zu eng angelegt (Opportunity for Mediation? Civil Procedure Reform too narrow), ANWALT (Supplement to NJW), March 3/2001, 16.

Pointierte Zusammenfassung: Unterscheidung zwischen formellen und informellen Verfahren (Focused Summary: distinction between formal and informal proceedings), Interdisziplinäre Studien zu Recht und Staat / Bausteine zu einer Verhaltenstheorie des Rechts, Bonn 2001, S. 404.

Gemeinsame Gespräche oder Einzelgespräche? – Vom Nutzen des Beichtstuhlverfahrens in der Mediaton (Joint Sessions or Caucus Meetings? – The Use of Ex Parte Communication in Mediation), Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 2001, 108 (gemeinsam mit Zürn).

Unendliche Geschichte (Endless Story)? Streit um “Mediator” hält an (Controversy Regarding „Mediator“ Continues), ANWALT November 2/2000, 18, supplement to NJW.

Eignungskriterien für die Mediation (Suitability Criteria for Mediation), in: Henssler/Koch, Mediation in der Anwaltspraxis, 127 (§ 4), Bonn 2000.

Ausbildung zum Mediator (Training as Mediator), 153 (§ 5), Bonn 2000.

Wann empfehlen sich Mediation, Schlichtung oder Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in wirtschaftsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten? (When to Use Mediation, Evaluation or Arbitration in Business Disputes?), Konsens 1999,263 (gemeinsam mit Reiner Ponschab).

ADR – Alternative zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit? (ADR – Alternative to Arbitration?), DIS-Materials V 1999, 25.

Gerichtsverbundene Streitbeilegung in den USA (Court-Annexed Dispute Resolution in the United States), in: Gottwald/Strempel, Handbuch zur außergerichtlichen Konfliktregelung, February 1999.

Der Anwalt als Verhandlungs- und Konfliktmanager (The Lawyer as Negotiation- and Conflict Manager), in: Hartung/Römermann, Marketing and Management Handbuch für Rechtsanwälte, Munich 1999, 109 (gemeinsam mit Fritjof Haft).

Informations- und Wissensmanagement (Information and Knowledge Management), in: Hartung/Römermann, Marketing und Management Handbuch für Rechtsanwälte, Munich 1999, 661 (gemeinsam mit Fritjof Haft).

Vom Friedensrichter zum Mediator (From Judge of Peace to Mediator), Schweizer Juristen-Zeitung 1999, 157 (gemeinsam mit Isaak Meier).

Das Multi-Door Courthouse (The Multi-Door Courthouse), in: Gottwald/Strempel, Handbuch zur außergerichtlichen Konfliktregelung, February 1999 (gemeinsam mit Frank Sander).

Konfliktbeilegung durch Wirtschaftsmediation (Conflict Resolution by Business Mediation), Forum des Internationalen Rechts 1/1998, 1 (see Publications in English Language).

Die Nutzung des Internet in US-amerikanischen Anwaltskanzleien (The Use of the Internet in US-Law Firms), Kommunikation & Recht 1998, 388.

Mediation ist mehr als ein Vergleich (Mediation Is More than a Settlement), MDR 1998, (Vol. 5), R1.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – Die außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung in den USA (Dispute Resolution Outside the Court System in the United States), Betriebs-Berater, 40/1998, Supplement 10 (Mediation und Recht),

Mediation als Mittel der Konfliktbewältigung (Mediation as Means of Conflict Resolution), in: Erberich/Hoerster/Hoffmann u.a. (editors), Peace and Law, Stuttgart 1998, 135.

Juristische Informationsbeschaffung in den USA (Obtaining Legal Information in the United States), in: Haft (editor), Informationsbe­schaffung in Anwaltskanzleien und im Jurastudium, Bad Kissingen 1998, 53 (gemeinsam mit Gräfin Marie-Christine von der Groeben).

Mediation und Recht – Juristisches Neuland oder Modeerscheinung (Mediation and Law – New Legal Ground or a Matter of Fashion?) in: Betriebs-Berater, 35/1998, Die erste Seite (The first page) (gemeinsam mit Walther Gottwald/Fritjof Haft/Reiner Ponschab).

Außergerichtliche Einigung – Richter ohne Robe (Alternative Dispute Resolution – Judges without robes), Markt und Mittelstand Nr. 1 Januar 1998, 78 ff.

Vertragen sich Schlichten und Richten? (Are Conciliation and Adjudication Compatible?), Betrifft Justiz 1997, 62.


English Language Publications

Commercial Arbitration: Germany and the United States, Dispute Resolution Magazine Fall 2017, 15 (Co-author Jill L. Gross)

Debating FIFA’s TPO ban, The International Sports Law Journal, January 2016, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 233-252 (Co-author Florian Loibl)

Who decides whether bail-in is legal? What comes after Cyprus and Greece?,Law and Financial Markets Review (Journal), (autumn 2015) (Co-author Philip Wimalasena)

Seven steps to reforming the Court of Arbitration for Sport, World Sports Law Report, April 2015, 03 (Co-author Olga Troshenovich).

Chapter “Arbitration of Corporate Law Disputes in Germany“, published in “Arbitration in Germany: The Model Law in Practice”, 2ndEdition, Kluwer Law, 2014, 927 (Co-author Philipp Wimalasena).

Legislation and litigation dispute resolution in insurance law – a practitioner’s approach, ERA Forum, Volume 10, Number 2/September 2009.

Towards a Global Court for Football (and other Sports), F.C. Business, issue 32, November 2008.

Arbitration of Corporate Law Disputes in Germany, in: Arbitration in Germany – The Model Law in Practice(publishers: Prof. Dr. Böckstiegel, Dr. Kröll, Dr. Nacimiento), Alphen aan den Rijn, 2007, 975-1012.

European ADR, Commission’s “Green Paper” promotes discussion, harmonization, Dispute Resolution Magazine, Summer 2003.

Dispute Resolution in Globalization Context, New York Law Journal, April 12, 1999.

Resolving Conflicts by Business Mediation, The International Legal Forum, 1, 1/1998.

Uniform Mediation Law: Do We Really Want Harmony?– 15 (9) Alternatives 126 (1997).

Germany “Attemptos” Mandatory Mediation– 15 (6) Alternatives 76 (1997).

Designing a Mass Tort Settlement Program– 15 (6) Alternatives 78 (1997).

Business Leaders Focus on ADR-Solutions– Dispute Resolution Journal 4 (Summer 1997).

Social Interest – strengthen people

When Ulrike Crespo established the Crespo Foundation inn 2001, she set the motto “Make people stronger”! I am glad to be able to contribute to carrying on her mission as a member of the board of trustees of the Crespo Foundation,

Current engagements

Christian Duve is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Crespo Foundation since 2020. He also is on the advisory board (Kuratorium) of the German Sport foundation (Deutsche Sporthilfe) (since 2016) and of the Jewish Museum, Frankfurt (since 2017). Christian serves as a mentor for Deutsche Sporthilfe and Start up teens.


Christian Duve was born on 23rd September 1964 in Hamburg. After an apprenticeship with Dresdner Bank AG (1983-1985) in Hamburg, he completed his studies of law at the Universities of Würzburg, Caen Geneva and Munich (1986-1992). After his legal training program (Referendariat), including an internship with the American Arbitration Association in New York as well as an assignment as scientific research assistant at the institute for civil law, civil procedure and international procedural law at the University of Munich (1992-1995), he completed his post-graduate studies at Harvard University (Master of Public Administration, MPA) as McCloy Scholar (1995-1997). During his stay, Christian Duve also served as Hewlett Research Fellow at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, conducted research in the are of international commercial arbitration and was active in the Harvard Mediation Program.

From 1998 to 2018, Christian Duve has been a lawyer and partner in the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Frankfurt. From 2007 to 2014, Christian Duve was an arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne. Since 2013, he is an honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg.

Christian Duve has supported Yunus Social Business (YSB), Berlin, as a lawyer and supporter from 2011 to 2018. He was a member of the board of the MMK foundation, Frankfurt, since its inception in 2011 until 2019. From 2013 to 2021, Christian Duve was a member of the board of the German Bar Association (DAV), Berlin, and of the Association of the friends of the museum of modern art (MMK), Frankfurt. He has contributed to the set up of the friends of Senckenberg society and been part of the first board (2015-2018). 

Since May 2018, he is active as lawyer and business angel. Since 2020, he is on the board of trustees of the Crespo Foundation. 

With Muhammad Yunus in Kampala, Uganda, at motorcycle financier virtue
With Tony Robbins in Chennai, India
Dinner with friends in Varanasi, India
With Annie Leibovitz in Frankfurt
We would have loved to keep you in the EU ...
No investigative report attracted as much interest as this ...
A new law firm name for the duration of a press conference
How big can our jumps be?
How big can we think - and act?
How big do we make our pitch?
With Pharrell Williams, who launched the Black Ambition initiative in 2020 to promote minority innovators, in Los Angeles in October 2019
With the grand master of German painting, Markus Lüpertz in London
With Tony Blair
With Bill Clinton
Design Thinking at the Google Garage in Mountain View, August 2018
Design Thinking at the Google Garage in Mountain View, August 2018
Mit Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, von 2006 bis 2014
With Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve from 2006 to 2014
20 years in a law firm, long for a professional life, short in a law firm history
With Ulrike Crespo at the Jil Sander exhibition at MAK Frankfurt, November 2017